Para los que no lo sepan gwyddion es un programa de analysis de imagenes. Principalmente de datos de sonda (afm)
primero escribir un documento LaTeX que sera la fuente principal Esto es simplmente para dar el formato.
\author{Gwyddion User-Name}
\chapter{Example Output}
This pretends to be the main bit of your report. You will have your normal disclaimers on how this is a batch report to be quickly presentes. Options could include make this a Beammer to have a quick slideshow to show your results.
\includegraphics[width = \textwidth]{exported-png-0.png}
\caption{A gwyddion Figure}
\chapter{Your Data}
Luego esta el programilla para pyconsole. Hay que tener en cuenta que el pyconsole no funciona en la version de windows de momento. No me va a ser facil usar esto en el curro.
#This is GPL licence (the latest version you can find normally):
#it is a cheap copy of a script found in the documentation
# pretends to be a quick way to do a batch report using LaTeX but could be done
# with minor editing for an HTML report.
# OBJECTIVE: you have your gwy file with all the images just like you like them.
#instead of saving them one by one and then attempt to put them in your report
# one by one we just do it all in one batch file.
import gwyutils
# base name
basePath = "Documentos/gwyddion/"
baseFile = "exported-png-%d.png"
basename = basePath + baseFile
#basename = "Documentos/gwyddion/exported-png-%d.png"
i = 0
# get list of available containers
cons = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_containers()
# create tex file
texf = open(basePath +'report.tex', 'w')
# save strings for adding to the report
beginFigure = r"\begin{figure}[hbtp]"
includegraphics = r"\includegraphics[width = \textwidth]{"
caption = r"\caption{"
# iterate thru containers and datafields
for c in cons:
# get directory of datafields where key is key in container
dfields = gwyutils.get_data_fields_dir(c)
for key in dfields.keys():
# get processed datafield object
datafield = dfields[key]
# retrieve datafield number in container from key (for example '/0/data')
datafield_id = key.split('/')[1]
# set palette of datafield
c.set_string_by_name("/%s/base/palette" % datafield_id, "")
# invert datafield values (processing section)
#datafield.invert(0, 0, 1)
# request redraw before export
# export datafield to png, for the first time show export dialog
if i == 0:
gwyutils.save_dfield_to_png(c, key, basename % i, gwy.RUN_INTERACTIVE)
else :
gwyutils.save_dfield_to_png(c, key, basename % i, gwy.RUN_NONINTERACTIVE)
#write to report
#texf.append(basename % i)
print basename % i
texf.write(baseFile % i)
texf.write(baseFile % i)
texf.write(baseFile % i)
i += 1
# request redraw datawindows with datafields
# would append be better than write?
# strings as variables a little too much?
# find out how to get the meta data as a caption.
# find out how to add graphs and spectroscopies to the file.
# more elegant way to add scripts?
# Run pdflatex from this console to have a working pdf file at the end.
# query for path or use the path that your file is in.
# choose tex, HTML or XML output.
# make it a module?
# DONE: make the name of the file separate from the path to be able to use it as a caption.
# DONE: use the figure enviorment on files
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