Monday, July 22, 2013

Why I do not like the term 'piracy'

 Comparto esta vision y explica porque no me gusta hacer consumo de películas, música y libros con restricciones en copias.

sitio original:

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Let me tell you a story.... Its about a man, a young man, full of potential, one of the most intelligent men in the world. He is a part of a small group of programmers, people who like to create programs and share them with each other. They use a system called UNIX. UNIX is a free system, they have lots of joy using and changing it. Until one day, UNIX is closed sourced, and a big bad company tries to take over the world by controling every computer in the world, and charging ENORMOUS amounts of money from poor students who need to run UNIX. OH, the terror!! Students won't be able to learn anymore! Computers will become less fun, and only rich people will have access to them! But wait.... our man is still there! And he has a choice to make.... He is very intelligent. He can easily take a binary of the closed sourced system and decompile back to the source! He can change what he doesn't like and even share it with his friends without the big bad company knowing! Students won't have to pay, they will just have to be secretive and deceitful and use a "borrowed" version of UNIX, that "is not working right, because does things other UNIX systems don't do" and "not remember who they borrowed it from". He is very inteligent he can make it happen! But our man, makes a diferent decision. He decides to respect the will of the big bad company of closing the system, and he decides to create a new system! "You want UNIX all for yourselves and want to make piles of money? Do so! I will help my neighboor by creating something new!" And so, the man started creating GNU. Gnu is not Unix. It's compatible with UNIX ("we are not trying to force people to choose between UNIX or GNU, they can use both, we want to make them compatible, so people are free to interact!", the man says) but it's something NEW and TRULY FREE! Students can now, thanks to the man choice, learn at low cost again, and the man actually made some new friends! New programmers who also wanted to create something new, joined him and they all share software again, just like before! =) Through his work, the man made a MAJOR social impact! Worldwide, people are no longer slaves of UNIX, new bussinesses can now be started without being stopped by money issues to buy software. Students can learn at low cost. And programmers can still be friends, by sharing. And because UNIX and GNU are compatible, people who work on UNIX stations can now make a living with UNIX, and on their free time create new programs to add to GNU. Until we have enough free software... BUT WAIT! That's not the end of the story. The man, did something even more important. He had already decided to respect the big bad company and not steal their software. But now, he wanted to make sure that GOOD laws would prevent anyone from stopping and destroying GNU. So he created a license, that protects free software forever! What, a license that doesn't restrict you, but frees you? Who would have thought! Really, only a man who was determined enough to make a BETTER WORLD, instead of being a corrupt among the others, could have had such vision! So, now, thanks to the fact that the man did not choose the easy way (the wrong way) but decided that he would create a better world (a new world) we can sing "WE HAVE ENOUGH FREE SOFTWARE, AND WE REJECT THOSE DIRTY LICENSES" You are running Trisquel, because 30 years ago Richard Stallman decided NOT to "illegally share" UNIX, but to create something new, GNU. And you have licenses to argue over, because he respected copyrights laws, and created a license that protects free software. And because he didn't share UNIX, but created GNU, UNIX is no more! Really, who uses UNIX and pays AT&T a fee??? No one! And that's because he didn't kept on using somehting that he felt was wrong. He created something new, free, something better, something... right. Microsoft and Windows are still outthere because people are still giving them power by using their product (even if they don't pay for it). Hollywood still rules, because people keep on giving them credit by going the extra mile to steal their movies and watch it. The list could go on... So don't try to make me believe that pirate software or music or books or whatever, is good. It's not only wrong, but it's also DANGEROUS for us. Because everytime someone illegally shares a music, he prevents himself from creating a new one. Everytime someone pirates a software, he prevents himself from writing a new free one. Everytime someone shares something illegally, somehting that will never be truly free to use, he prevents the creation of something new, good, free. Everytime you share an illegal copy of UNIX, you destroy all copies of GNU. Would have happened in the 80s. And can (is) happening right now. Do you think the law is wrong? Change it! Do something like RMS did, instead of living your life eating crumbs from the floor of those who create things! Truth is, that everytime we treat the newer hollywood blockbuster like somehting we could never life without, even if we have to steal in order to have it, we say to the government that we no longer care about things like Public Domain, Creative Commons, fan creations, etc. So we kill those things, and we enforce the idea that DRM are a necessary evil. Look, I know I only replied to your last statments, but the truth is.... that this is the opinion very different very personal that I have been talking about. I know noone will probably agree with me, that watching a pirate movie is a step towards destroying Public DOmain and Creative Commons... But it's the truth, and I know I am right on this one. And just like RMS, I intend to live in the way that I feel is the only ethical way to live. Don't expect me to support piracy. And don't expect me to support the idea that attacking those who create proprietary software is the answer. Rejecting it and not using is the answer, but that is a choice of the USER, and we as users should be free to choose. And if someone wants to use Windows... it's his own right and choice. JUst don't expect me to chat with him in Skype ;) Microsoft and Apple are evil, not because they make proprietary software, but because they put malicious features in their products. Don't give them more power by attacking them. Just ignore them and follow your own path. The path of someone who wants to be free, and who knows that his freedom came from creating new things, instead of "sharing old shits".

Saturday, August 18, 2012

video de inicio movil personal

Bueno, estoy contentísimo. Por fin me dio hoy por modificar la pantalla de bienvenida del móvil. es unnokia por lo que salen las manos2 Simplemente copie lo que decia aqui: a la hora de crear el video use pitivi y porsiaso al redderizar use 24fps, ffmpeg codec H.264 y resolucion estandar 800x480 porque eso era lo que salia por defecto. ahora para conseguir root en n900 os buscais la vida. no pienso decirlo. ahora aparece mi careto en animacion de imagenes.
si ves a un loco que quiere que veas como se enciende su movil: soy yo.

Saturday, June 02, 2012

Licencia de Creative Commons
Soulless Bastard is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-CompartirIgual 3.0 Unported License.
Hace mucho que no publico. Hace mucho que no hago nada de interes pero en un par de dias me curre un pequeño programa para gwyddion.

Para los que no lo sepan gwyddion es un programa de analysis de imagenes. Principalmente de datos de sonda (afm)
primero escribir un documento LaTeX que sera la fuente principal  Esto es simplmente para dar el formato.
\author{Gwyddion User-Name}


\chapter{Example Output}
This pretends to be the main bit of your report. You will have your normal disclaimers on how this is a batch report to be quickly presentes. Options could include make this a Beammer to have a quick slideshow to show your results.
\includegraphics[width = \textwidth]{exported-png-0.png}
\caption{A gwyddion Figure}

\chapter{Your Data}


Luego esta el programilla para pyconsole. Hay que tener en cuenta que el pyconsole no funciona en la version de windows de momento. No me va a ser facil usar esto en el curro.

#This is GPL licence (the latest version you can find normally):
#it is a cheap copy of a script found in the documentation
# pretends to be a quick way to do a batch report using LaTeX but could be done
# with minor editing for an HTML report.
# OBJECTIVE:  you have your gwy file with all the images just like you like them.
#instead of saving them one by one and then attempt to put them in your report
# one by one we just do it all in one batch file.
import gwyutils
# base name
basePath = "Documentos/gwyddion/"
baseFile = "exported-png-%d.png"
basename = basePath + baseFile
#basename = "Documentos/gwyddion/exported-png-%d.png"
i = 0
# get list of available containers
cons = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_containers()
# create tex file
texf = open(basePath +'report.tex', 'w')
# save strings for adding to the report
beginFigure = r"\begin{figure}[hbtp]"
includegraphics = r"\includegraphics[width = \textwidth]{"
caption = r"\caption{"
# iterate thru containers and datafields
for c in cons:
  # get directory of datafields where key is key in container
  dfields = gwyutils.get_data_fields_dir(c)
  for key in dfields.keys():
    # get processed datafield object
    datafield = dfields[key]
    # retrieve datafield number in container from key (for example '/0/data')
    datafield_id = key.split('/')[1]
    # set palette of datafield
    c.set_string_by_name("/%s/base/palette" % datafield_id, "")
    # invert datafield values (processing section)
    #datafield.invert(0, 0, 1)
    # request redraw before export
    # export datafield to png, for the first time show export dialog
    if i == 0:
      gwyutils.save_dfield_to_png(c, key, basename % i, gwy.RUN_INTERACTIVE)
    else :
      gwyutils.save_dfield_to_png(c, key, basename % i, gwy.RUN_NONINTERACTIVE)
    #write to report
    #texf.append(basename % i)
    print basename % i
    texf.write(baseFile % i)
    texf.write(baseFile % i)
    texf.write(baseFile % i)
    i += 1
    # request redraw datawindows with datafields

# would append be better than write?
# strings as variables a little too much?
# find out how to get the meta data as a caption.
# find out how to add graphs and spectroscopies to the file.
# more elegant way to add scripts?
# Run pdflatex from this console to have a working pdf file at the end.
# query for path or use the path that your file is in.
# choose tex, HTML or XML output.
# make it a module?
# DONE: make the name of the file separate from the path to be able to use it as a caption.
# DONE: use the figure enviorment on files

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Como publicar imagen twitteada

Hace mucho que no publico, pero es que acabo de aprender un par de cosas.
Primero que Trisquel es cojonudo. Me da alas. Me da libertad. Es increible.
Me propongo a enseñar como hice esto:Imagen con tweet. Es algo bastante sencillo: estoy seguro que se puede hacer de muchas maneras pero la manera que encontré de hacerlo fue combinando instrucciones bash de image magic con un programilla python que usa el protocolo de Twitter. Creo que protocolo no es la palabra adecuada: creo que lo correcto seria API. Pero no lo se.
Bueno primero creas una capeta y dentro tendras tres archivos: Te haces una foto o creas una imagen y la llamas TuNombre.jpg. Luego creas un documento llamado Luego otro llamado
En el *.py escribes

#python help on twitter module.
#get npl twitter feed
import twitter
api = twitter.Api()
statuses = api.GetUserTimeline('@andresinmp')
#print[s.text for s in statuses]
andresfeed= [s.text for s in statuses]
print andresfeed.__getitem__(0)

y en el *.sh escribes

caption=  python > andres
tail andres |\
  montage -label @-  andres.jpg\
          -geometry +10+10 -background Gold andrescaption.jpg

Luego simplemente escribes
Lo siguiente es una prueba para el siguiente articulo.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Mi lamparita USB

Pues tenia por casa una lamparita LED que funcionaba con tres pilas AA. Pero la tapa era un poco endeble y se acabó por romper dejando las pilas al aire. Daba algo de penita. Un poco cutre porque no tenia cinta electricista
Lo que hice fue muy fácil: fui a un carboot sale: un rastrillo que montan los vecinos que venden trastos viejos y compre un cable cargador de móvil usb por cincuenta peniques. Le corte parte que conecta al móvil y había como esperaba 4 cables. Con un multimetro comprobé lo que ya sospechaba el negro y el rojo daban 5 V de corriente continua. Desmonté la lampara y conecte los cables con celo simplemente (mejor hubiese sido soldarlo... y vualá listo
Un poco chorra pero es algo que tenia gana de hacer.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Conky en el móvil.

Viene un huevo de información útil en esta aplicacion. Parece que en casa tenemos 48Mb/s y me estoy descargando ubuntu 11.10 a un ritmo de 500kb/s. Este fin de semana actualizo (si puedo) mi portatil con xubuntu.

Estoy ahora por la calle y me estoy descargando podcast a 50kb/s.
No esta mal..